What if some people are simply contemplating what they really want do with their time? Instead of settling for a dead-end job where you’ll be unhappy, you could concentrate your energy on obtaining your dream job. Ending unemployment may be as easy as using the right job hunting tools.

If This, Then That (IFTTT)

Don’t have all day to pour over job ads? If This, Then That is the lifesaver you’ve never heard of. The name pretty much explains the concept: if a job you want becomes available, then you get a notification. The recipe maker crafts whatever set of triggers you want. If an RSS (Really Simply Syndication) feed mentions your dream job, you get an email. If Craigslist ads pop up for the job you want, you get a phone call. However you want to discover employment opportunities, IFTTT makes it easy.


ZipRecruiter is a handy app for the job hunter who doesn’t have time to hunt for jobs. It’s actually the most popular job search app around. You can find ZipRecruiter on both Google Play and iTunes. Just plug in your dream job, and it will send you relevant results whenever employment opportunities open up.

RSS Feeds

Subscribe to the RSS Feeds of job sites for a never-ending stream of job alerts. Digg Reader is a very popular RSS subscription tool, as is Feedly. These RSS feed readers allow you to customize and save searches. Find the jobs ads you want or read helpful articles on how to land them!


LinkedIn is about much more these days than professional networking. Thousands of companies advertise jobs directly on the site. If you create a killer profile, it’s possible to connect to job opportunities right on LinkedIn. The end to your unemployment woes really might be a profile view away!


PandaDoc is a great template document resource for cover letters, testimonials, and more. If you’re not good at creating content from scratch, then PandaDoc is your new best friend. Just substitute the right information in the labeled spaces provided and you’re all set.

Resume Infographics

Gone are the days where you could build a detailed resume in MS Word to get ahead. Resume infographics are the “in thing.” The goal is to create a colorful resume with charts and images rather than walls of text. You may even include a picture of yourself – or a drawing representing you. The top websites for creating custom resume infographics are Visualize.me, Kinzaa, Canva, and PictoCV.


Finding jobs isn’t as hard as everyone says. It’s the “getting” part where many end up stuck. Still, the more advantages you can give yourself the better. One huge advantage is seeking jobs you want versus jobs that are just there. What job hunting methods do you prefer? Share helpful tips in the comment section below!