
As a first example, xxxterm is a very powerful browser entirely written in C and enhanced for security. You can control by default the saved cookies, scripts, and certificates of the webpages that you visit. What makes xxxterm really interesting is that it adopts vi-like shortcuts for the navigation. If you are not familiar with vi, I invite you to take a look at one of my previous articles about its basics.

On Ubuntu, you can install xxxterm with a simple command: Again, if you have little experience in vi, you will not be lost here. A good example: the command “:w” will save the current session while “:wq” will save and quit for a future restoration of the tabs. The main issue with surfing without a mouse is the need to select links. When you are on a web page, how can you click on “Home” or go to the website’s search engine if you don’t have a mouse? The answer lies in the command “.” (dot) or “f” which will highlight all of the links on a page and attribute each one to a number. You can then type the number corresponding to the link and navigate; or type the first letter of the link to reduce the number of links highlighted. Be careful with the last technique because xxxterm is case sensitive: “m” is different from “M“.

For a better navigation experience, I invite you to visit the wiki page of the project where all the shortcuts are explained. However, if you just want to test it now, here are a few commands to start with right away:

“/” for searching within a page “Ctrl+r” to refresh Backspace to go to the previous page Up and down arrows to scroll “Shift+f” for the favorites “Ctrl+t” for a new tab “Ctrl+w” to close a tab “Ctrl+arrow key” to switch the view between tabs “p” to paste “.” to highlight links “i” to focus on the page input Escape to remove focus (just like Vi)


“Uzbl” means “usable” in lolspeak. Also written in C, the development of this browser is incomplete, yet it is already one of the best minimalist navigators. It has everything: scripts, downloads, history, form filling, etc. Except for tab navigation: one instance per window or nothing. However, the uzbl-tabbed browser will soon correct that. On Ubuntu, start with The shortcuts are a bit different from xxxterm’s, but again, some of them are very similar to Vi, so you should not be too lost.

“o” to open a URL “b” to go back “fl” to highlight links

“Fl” to highlight links and open one of them in a new window “w” for a new window “c” to close a window The traditional set j, k, h, l to move within a page “Ctrl+i” to focus on the page input Escape to remove focus

For a more exhaustive list of shortcuts and commands, I invite you to go on the official wiki, or the Archlinux wiki which is also pretty complete.


Personally, I really like Uzbl. Even if it is not complete yet, it seems very promising, and perfect for small or old computers. Xxxterm is not bad either, and the vi-like behavior is very attractive. For more keyboard-based browsers, you might also want to try out Vimperator – a fork of Firefox with the same shortcuts as Vim. There is no doubt about it: if you really want to look like a cool (’90s) geek while surfing, these browsers are made for you. Which one do you prefer? Do you stick with the mouse? Are there any other shortcuts that you would like to share? Please let us know in the comments.