1. Travel Planning

There can be a lot of information swimming around in your head when planning a vacation or even planning to travel for business. You need to decide on a hotel and flight, and maybe even a destination.

We had that recently when planning a cruise for next year. We’re just in the beginning process, but have booked the cruise. But now we need a hotel for the city we’ll be departing from, a flight to get there, etc. That will come later, but I started pinning as I was narrowing down our cabin as well as that of my parents and sister and bother-in-law who we are traveling with. I chose to make it a “secret” board, as it’s only for my use.

2. Wedding Planning

Just as you can plan your travel, you can plan your wedding as well. There is so much planning to do that often people need a person in charge of wedding planning, and sometimes they need a whole team. Whether you’re doing it yourself or having someone else do the planning, you need to have one central place to put your ideas for a gown, a hall, guest list, menu, vows, flowers, etc. You might even want to create separate boards for each different task that needs planning.

3. Sports Fan

Do you want to show off your favorite sports team? You can pin photos of them throughout their season in one collection, whether it’s baseball, football, basketball, or hockey. It’s a great way to look back on the season, whether it’s filled with losses or wins. This would be a time to make a board Public. It would also work for following your favorite actor, actress, or musician.

4. Movies or Books to Watch or Read

It can be difficult to remember which books you want to read or which movies you want to watch. Creating a Public or Secret board would be the perfect way to keep track of them. You can add movies or books every time you hear of one that interests you, then take it off the list when you complete it. With Pinterest working on iOS devices, Android, and the Internet, you can manage your list anywhere you are.

5. Technology

Do you have a hard time deciding what to buy when it comes to technology? Put all your research on a Pinterest board. Whether you’re shopping for a new computer, a cell phone, or a tablet, there are many choices out there. Perhaps you can’t decide between an iPhone and an Android. You can pin the things you like most about each phone, then compare your two lists. It will be a lot easier to decide with the advantages of each right there in front of you.

6. Gift-Giving

Creating a Secret Pinterest board is perfect when trying to decide what to get someone as a gift. You can pin all your ideas to the board then not have to remember them all when you finally go to purchase the gift. This would especially come in handy when shopping for Christmas gifts. You can either pin each gift you buy for the people on your list as a way of remembering, or you can create a board for each person with all your ideas. Either way it would be extremely helpful.


These are just a few ideas to get you started with Pinterest beyond using it to post pictures of food or decorating ideas. Do you have some additional ideas? Let us know in the comments below.